Friday 30 December 2011


So sweet, so sweet, you beautiful boy. You're so close to me and yet so far, almost near enough to touch, yet completely inaccessible. Am I outside the aquarium looking in, or inside looking out?

In my waking dreams, I hold you in my arms, wrap you up in love and care, softly stroke your flawless skin, then whisper in your ear, gently suggesting, you smile shyly, and I hear the most delightful word in the world - 'Yes'. You lay back and allow my fingers, lips and tongue to take you to places you've never been before, places of wonder and joy, heights of pleasure you could never have imagined.

But I know it cannot, must not be, my dreams and fantasies must remain just that, and while I feel sadness in the face of this insurmountable wall, I don't want to hurt you in any way, you're too special to come to harm. So all I can do is hope for the occasional glimpse of your perfection, and wish for you to have a happy life.


Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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