Saturday 4 June 2011


"We can't let him win."

"Why? He's the most talented performer by far, and everyone loves him."

"What sort of example would it set if he came out on top? What would the public think? I can just imagine the reaction from the tabloids. We go out before the watershed, you know that. All those kids watching. We'll be accused of corrupting the youth of the nation."

"The public vote, pay to vote. If they want him to win, what's the problem. If they think he's a bad influence, they won't back him. Isn't that the point of the exercise, the people speaking?"

"Come on, you know you don't believe that. The object of the exercise is to make money. If the 'silent majority' decide he's not one of their kind, we'll lose millions. It doesn't matter how good he is, it's whether he's marketable that counts. And I really don't think he's marketable, long term. He'll grow up, then he'll just be another limp-wristed luvvie. Let's make sure we get someone that Middle England will happily listen to on Radio 2. Then the gravy train will run for years."

"Anyone ever tell you you're a grasping cynic?"

"Yeah - got a problem with that!" Laughter. "Anyway, we've got to keep these queers in their place - even if they are only 12. Can't have them thinking they're acceptable."


Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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