Wednesday 21 March 2012


He'd accosted me in the doorway, as I passed through into the courtyard at the rear of the bar, making my way towards the toilet I'd knew I'd find there. He was tall, as tall as my six foot and small change, a little younger than me, wavy hair of a golden colour, probably from a bottle, but who knew? Handsome, I suppose, tanned, again rather artificial looking, wearing a jacket and an open-necked shirt, giving the overall impression of a rather cheesy daytime TV host, with all the associated implications of sliminess and insincerity. Not my kind, at all. I'd ignored him, and carried on towards my goal.

"Damn!" I exclaimed aloud, finding the entry to the toilet barred by a padlocked steel gate. The whole facility looked uncared-for, almost derelict - how could that be, I'd only been here a few days ago, it couldn't have deteriorated so much in such a short space of time, surely? I needed to head back to the main building, to enquire where I needed to go instead, to relieve the internal pressure which was building to urgent proportions. I turned, and instinctively recoiled. He was there again, right in front of me! No more words, he just reached out and grabbed me. I felt helpless, defenceless, like a child snatched by a kidnapper. All I could do was to scream, but even that expedient was unsuccessful, no real sound emerged from my mouth, just a thick, strangled croak seemingly trapped in the back of my throat. I tried to cry out, again and again, but nothing more audible found its way past my lips. His hands were all over me, groping, grasping....don't, leave me alone, I don't want this, noooooo....

I woke, sweating and gasping for breath, my throat sore, my head aching. But safe, safe in my bed, waves of relief washing over me as I realised it had only been a dream. My bedmate stirred, and, as my eyes adapted to the dim light, I saw the golden, wavy hair on the adjoining pillow. I barely made it to the bathroom before the tide of nausea overcame me, and I vomited what seemed like my whole being into the sink....


Love & best wishes to all
Sammy B

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